Thank You

I’d like to thank everyone who took the time to listen to the podcasts and vote on the one you thought most useful. The episode with the most votes was Episode 2: Writing Trilogies Series–Part One. I’ve sent that off, and it will be the episode in contention for the first-ever Parsec Award in the category Best Writing Series.

Now there’s a new poll up. How often do YOU write?

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6 responses to “Thank You”

  1. Chassit Avatar

    I write only on the weekends, when I can. But my family is taking up most of my time right now.

  2. 3bros Avatar

    I’m with PJ. I actually do most of my writing on the weekend, and usually miss a day or two during the week.

  3. NoelFigart Avatar

    If you count as “writing” planning, worldbuilding, outlining and revision, then yes, I do write every day.

    Right now, I’ve finished the first draft of a novel, so I’m in the revision stage.

    My family is eager for me to finish with revision and get to the first draft of my next book. Apparently I cuss more over revisions.

    *grin* Wait’ll they see my reaction to rejections…

  4. Zoe Avatar

    Hmm, not sure how to answer your poll – I write most days, but if I feel particularly dead one day, or if I’m out all day, I might decide not to do any writing that day. Or sometimes I won’t do any actual writing on a particular day, if I need time to let ideas percolate in my head. I also go through phases every so often where I hardly get any writing done at all (eep), though that hasn’t happened in quite a while.

  5. PJ Avatar

    I chose the “Five days” option, but the way it works out is five random days, not necessarily only M-F.

    Good luck on the Parsec!

  6. TinaK Avatar

    I actually just did a review on this episode and on your CCC. Loved them both and am so glad I finally got a chance to do them justice.

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