Tag: Warpaint
Another Cadence Drake start pops up — 12,862 words
I woke up at around five-ish this morning knowing the next chapter of The Wishbone Conspiracy, my next Cady Drake novel. And thought about it for a while, and decided that I would write it once I got up and got showered. And am sitting down to do that. But on my way to getting there,…
Published the WARPAINT Soundtrack
It took a while to find the right music for WARPAINT. First, this is the music I have playing in the background while I write, so it has to fit the universe, the characters, and the “feel” of a lived-in place full of real humans, real needs, and the themes of the story. And it…
Cadence Drake and the Darkness
I’d originally set Cadence Drake: Warpaint (my current work in progress) three years after the events in Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood. I did this because I wanted to get back to Cady’s story after she’d beaten the darkness from the first book, after she had found her way back to being a whole human being…