Strange Directions… 1304 words today, 56,096 words total. What FUN!

Apparently yesterday was too serious for my Muse, who this morning grabbed the story by the scruff of the neck, picked it up out of its “this is damn serious shit” conflict, and dropped it into the middle of action that made me laugh while I was writing it.

I know this sounds weird. However…

The part of me that knows the story’s theme and conflict and necessary points we have to hit is not the part of me that actually puts the words on the page. The organized me gets its day during revision, when it has to pull all the stuff the other half of my brain threw at it into some sort of coherent order.

First draft, though, is where weird and funny and spontaneous good ideas all get their moments. 

And — boy howdy. Today was THAT day. 

Today my Muse grabbed the hands and dug in, and presented me with tiny, bored elves on their day off who found a ruined, abandoned TransAm in the local dump waiting to be crushed, pulled a Car SOS on it (because that’s what elves are good at)… and then went joy-riding.  Chaos ensued.

This was just a couple of lines of backstory to demonstrate the details of an ongoing problem, and has very little to do with the story as a whole or even today’s scene, except to underscore the difficulty of my main character’s job: that even many of the people she wants to work with — folks who love her and whom she loves — are… um… difficult to manage.

And she’s creating a situation into which she’d going to be bringing much more difficult folks, at least half of whom are NOT going to be friendly, or going to love her, or going to have any reason whatsoever to want to see her succeed.

I am having so much fun with this book. I can’t wait for tomorrow to write what happens next. 

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One response to “Strange Directions… 1304 words today, 56,096 words total. What FUN!”

  1. dragon Avatar

    Joy-riding elves … I love it! And sometimes herding cats and terriers together is easier than getting one’s characters to … do whatever it is they need to do but are having forest/trees issues about getting there.

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