Still writing the new scene, delay now official #WABWM

8:01 AM

Yesterday was completely devoured by handwritten pages. Odds are good that today will be as well.

The scene I’m writing is essential to rounding out the story. Can’t skimp, can’t hurry. I’m frustrated by the time it’s taking. But I’ll get it done, and get the book done.

We are, at this point, looking at Nov. 27th as the earliest possible publication date, and I am looking at never, never, never, never offering a hard publication date again. From now on, it’s gonna be “End of November. Late 2013. Do you want fries with that?”

Like that.

Live and learn.

Hope your writing goes well today. Happy words.

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8 responses to “Still writing the new scene, delay now official #WABWM”

  1. Ann Beardsley Avatar
    Ann Beardsley

    Think of it as building audience anticipation! Those of us who are eagerly awaiting it will get it whenever it comes out, this week, next week, whenever. Like delivering a baby, they come in their own time. We can drive down bumpy roads, jump up and down, but it doesn’t always work.

  2. Theresa Layton Avatar
    Theresa Layton

    This 250 words a day is marvellous. I have 2500 words. In under two weeks. I am off the writing desk of procrastination. No more waiting for the right momement. With kids, there is no right moment.
    And Holly, pulbishing dates are like babies. It is around then, not on that EXACT date. It is a slightly inexact gestation.
    And of course fries with that for me too.

    GOAL: 80000; CURRENT: 2500
    It is a start

    1. Holly Avatar

      HUGE congrats. Keep running.

      And what IS it with junk food and writing? I would KILL for potato chips while I’m working. Candy bars. Cookies.

      I don’t have them. Have whey shakes and do a short set of one exercise or another instead, because having once developed adult onset diabetes, and then got rid of it, I have no wish to bring it back.

      But, DAMN, do I want it.

  3. Jen of Hens Avatar
    Jen of Hens

    Got in another 500+ words last night and 1923 today. Took advantage of some wait time at a dr’s office and used some ink and trees to get about 400 words down. Dialog from yesterday led to some surprising plot building. The story is becoming more interesting…

    Rock on Holly! And yes, yes I would very much like fries with that! =)

    Peace and words, dudes, peace and words!
    Jen of hens

  4. Amy Fahrer Avatar
    Amy Fahrer

    Looking forward to Warpaint, whenever it’s ready! But wouldn’t want you to rush it and have it be anything other than what you want it to be. And yes, I agree with Johanna, I totally want fries now. But that might just be because it’s NaNoWriMo, and my need for junk food is so much higher while I’m writing. 🙂

  5. Johanna Avatar

    Now I have both a craving for Cady and french fries. Yum.

  6. Nathalie Hamidi Avatar

    Are people giving you a hard time for the missed publication date?? o_O;

    1. Holly Avatar

      I’M giving me a hard time. I HATE being late on a deadline. Even by days. I got badly bogged down with non-writing stuff early in the year, and almost caught up in spite of that.

      But not QUITE. Argh!

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