Still outlining Ohio 4, but got sidetracked by writing the first chapter.

It happens. You get about half of your 30-word chapter Sentences written, and this GREAT first sentence for a chapter pops into your head, so you go ahead and you write down that sentence because you know if you don’t you’ll forget it…

And about 600 words later, you realize that you haven’t finished outlining the novel yet, so technically those six-hundred-ish words shouldn’t count…

So. Yeah.

I have the first half of Book 4’s outline written, and a bunch of words I got while playing hooky from doing the outline, so they don’t get to count until I finish the thing I’m supposed to have done. But I can’t finish that until tomorrow, because we have a bunch of other stuff we’re supposed to do today.

It was however, while kind of scrambled, a pretty good work day.

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