Still Doing Type-In

I hadn’t realized how much I’d changed, or how much typing would be involved. So I contacted my editor, who’d been expecting the file in her e-mail yesterday, only to find that her return from vacation had involved much more stuff than she’d anticipated. So here we are, me still typing in, her doing all the stuff that landed on her desk while she was away. I should have most of this to her by tomorrow, and the whole shebang by the end of the week.

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2 responses to “Still Doing Type-In”

  1. Holly Avatar

    I didn’t beat you by much on this one, Jason. Just about every page needed at least some changed, and many of them were completely rewritten.

    HOWEVER. Doing this once is much faster than piddling with it five or six times.

    Good luck or your revision. 😀

  2. Jason Penney Avatar

    Good luck! I recently started my type-in (using your one pass method) and I’m finding it much slower that I expected. Of course I had a total of 2 pages without changes…

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