Steve Manning Redux

Haven’t heard anything about problems with Steve Manning in a while, so I’d kind of hoped there weren’t any. Apparently that was a vain hope.

So here it is: the Story That Will Not Die.

Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:13 PM
Subject: Steve Manning

I’ve read your correspondence with Steve Manning on your website and I wonder whether you can help me.

I asked for a refund from Steve Manning, because I found his approach unusable in writing my book which deals with six classic types of people who are presented in parable form. I sent Steve Manning numerous e-mails whichremain unanswered and a registered letter which has come back.

I realize that if I had checked out Steve Manning before buying his “Guide” I would have come across your website and your exchange with him.

Any suggestion you wish to make?


Fritz Glaus

I’m going to open comments, and send the guy who sent me this a link to this article. If any of you have useful, legal suggestions on how Mr. Glaus might get his money back, please pass them on here.

Off-topic comments, flames, or “caveat emptors” will be deleted.

ADDED MARCH 17, 2008

There were a lot of comments to this post. Unfortunately, they were in the Geeklog version of the web diary, and did not make the transition when I moved to WordPress. I apologize for the loss of the valuable information they contained.

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