Starting Type-In

Abundance Talking SocksStill don’t like my ending. Am hoping inspiration will strike between now and Monday.

When I get this done, I have to tell you about the deep worldbuilding for Project Blue. It involves quantum entanglement, God immanent, and talking socks. The pair shown are Abundance Socks. They’re based on the magic system the protagonists in my new world use. The Abundance Socks are only talking to spirit—some of the later pairs, deeply subversive, will be talking to other people.

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6 responses to “Starting Type-In”

  1. fionaphoenix Avatar

    Wow, those sox are cool. I’m dying to see what this project ends up being. I could so live in a world where the knitters controled the magic. 🙂

  2. shawna Avatar

    I, too, was wondering if the new project had something to do with Korre, or if it was just coincidence… you did call it a “new world”, but then again, if the culture is so vastly different as to include talking socks, anything is possible.

  3. Liz Avatar

    Is the map the socks are on a hint, or just due to multi-tasking? 😉

  4. shawna Avatar

    Subversive socks… so THAT’s where all my lost ones went… off to your place to learn magic.

    Last book I read had a magic talking (sometimes) muff for a familiar. In the second book, it’s a hamster- plastic ball included. (Guardian of Honor and Sorceress of Faith by Robin D. Owens)

    Dear dog, I laughed. But it’s so refreshing to read something that isn’t wolves and dragons, no matter how much I love them.

    The more you talk about Project Blue, the more curious I am to see it… and about a hundred times more curious to see the other worldbuilding clinics…

  5. TinaK Avatar

    Talking socks?!?! Talking socks?!?!? Oh boy…this I need to hear.

  6. Bettye Avatar

    Talking socks? Holly you are scaring me. The very idea that any of the dozens upon dozens of socks around here might start talking to me is enough to…okay, I just gotta…scare the socks off me.

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