Starting on Words for Day

Heading back to the sea in HAWKSPAR, but I am almost finished with the current scene — yippee ti-yi-yay. Starting point today, 8436 words. Goal — three thousand or better.

Worked out schedule in detail before starting. If you’re wondering why I take the time to do this, it’s because I have to have maps. If I don’t have a map, I have no idea whether I’m ahead of schedule, behind schedule, or in danger of getting lost forever in some abysmal swamp. Writing maps keep me honest about when I can afford to catch my breath and when I have to keep running, stitch in my side or not.

It takes me about an hour to figure out. For that hour invested, I save myself from uncountable hours of worry and uncertainty later on. If you’re doing this for a living, worry can kill the writing. I can’t afford that.

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