“Something wicked…” might be me!

Mondays can be hard starts. You’re back into work after taking the weekend off, you’re a bit cold on the book because you spent the previous week re-launching your writing classes and your mind has been elsewhere…

And the first hour, I did some gear-grinding and backing and filling trying to get back into the story.

Until I remembered what the guy who’s in the current few scenes does for a living.

And realized that the town has a river I know really well (both in the fictional version and the real one), and thought about what rivers can hide…

And when I had that realization, all of a sudden my fingers couldn’t move fast enough to get the words out.

GOD, I had fun!

Days like this, you just want to keep going…

But if you stop when you hit your word goal (or run a bit over it, actually, but not enough to hurt anyone), you can have a whole week of days like this.

So now I’m going to go work on HollysWritingClasses.com, getting my classes back on sale, and talking to new students, and seeing what it would take to set up a couple of virtual chats.


<pursued by the echoes of my wicked giggles>

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One response to ““Something wicked…” might be me!”

  1. Tuff Gartin Avatar

    Hi Holly,

    How much time do you try to allocate daily (M-F) towards your fiction? I see the 1250 daily word count goal, but also notice you fall short of that some days. I also notice you mention things like “after the first hour”, or similar, from time to time. This leads me to believe you dedicate a specific amount of time towards fiction daily rather than typing until you reach a specific word count. I think the answer could be an inspiration not only to me, but to many writers out there who feel they have to write “full time” to have any chance of success. You are proving that you can write 5 large novels in a fairly quick time period with dedication.

    Hope all is well and look forward to reading the Ohio Series when it’s complete!

    Take care,

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