Something unplanned… and I can’t wait to find out what happens next!

There’s been this small, ongoing mystery in these books since Book One. And I don’t mean a mystery for the reader.

I mean a mystery for me.

I built this one set (a set in fiction is a place you use frequently that contains important secrets and other elements your characters need to use to get through the story)…

And today, my main character stepped into the set and the last key piece of that set became available to her.

I didn’t know this was going to happen. I sent her in there for something else, but fingers and back brain collaborated against me, and BAM!

She and I saw the change in the set at exactly the same time, and AFTER I’d already gotten my words for the day.

I have NO CLUE what’s there.

I have NO CLUE why it matters, or what’s going to happen tomorrow.

She has been working her way through her past and the present trying to learn a damn difficult job while dealing with pieces of her past that are missing, or were lies all along.

And now this… thing… is suddenly accessible to her, and I’d already run long getting to it.

So tomorrow I’m going to find out what’s there, and maybe start understanding why it opened up to her now, and maybe figure out how the hellacious problem she’s trying to resolve is related to that piece of the set suddenly opening up….

Tomorrow is going to be really damn interesting.

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