Some News on Midnight Rain

I have two big mainstream editors from different houses interested in Midnight Rain as a mainstream novel. I’ll need to propose changes along lines they have suggested and submit a fifteen-to-twenty-five page outline of the story as it would read when revised; that plus the current manuscript would give them enough to decide whether they wanted to buy or not.

I’m going to go for it. It is not — yet — a shot at the Big Time. But it is a shot at a shot a the Big Time, and I’d be a fool not to give it everything I’ve got.

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17 responses to “Some News on Midnight Rain”

  1. Joel Avatar

    Best for you, Holly!

  2. EJ Avatar

    Watch out, y’all! Future NYT Best Selling author coming through! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. cherylp Avatar

    Wheee! It’s fun watching you work!

  4. silverfire Avatar

    Congrats, Holly! This is great news. Hope it works out and you break out and become a best-seller. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Kay Avatar

    Best of Good Luck to you!!

  6. Diatryma Avatar

    Break out! Break out! Break out!

    And, because it’s me after all, more good books for me to read! Go Holly!

  7. Rob Avatar

    Hell yeah! Go for it, Holly. You can do it. You’ve got what it takes to make the Big Time.

  8. Stephen Avatar

    If anyone can you do it, you can. The Big Time is coming for you!

  9. Greg Scalise Avatar
    Greg Scalise

    Way to go, Holly!

    :: joining in chanting "Break Out! Break Out! :: ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. Linda Avatar

    Go for it!! I wish you the best with it. After all, I want to read it!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  11. Jim Woosley Avatar
    Jim Woosley

    Way to go. Good luck, Holly. Break a leg ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. David Stone Avatar
    David Stone

    Go for it Holly!

    ::Joining in the Break Out Chant::

    Watch out mainstream, she’s got you in her sights!

  13. Ivy Avatar

    Woo hoo!!! Break out! Break out! Break out! That’s my chant for you!

  14. Jonathan Avatar

    You will do fine, Holly. I hope things work out well for you, and I will be looking for you in the ‘Hot New Fiction Releases’ section of my local bookstore. You know, the one everybody trips over as they come in the door because it is so huge and monsterous? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Bst of luck,

  15. Peggy Kurilla Avatar
    Peggy Kurilla

    Whatever else you may be, you’re definitely NOT a fool. Cheers and good luck!

  16. TeresaH Avatar

    Go for it Holly. You can do it.

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