SOFW: Goalsetting in progress now

While the actual Summer of Fiction Writing event doesn’t start until June first at 10 AM ET, folks are heading in now to set their goals — goals that are designed to give each writer work achievable in the time that writer has, and with the built-in leverage to get the work done.

These are nothing like all those New Year’s Resolutions that were dead by February 1st.

So if you want to actually achieve the thing you set out to do, sign in or create your free account at:

Then go here:

I’m using the step-by-step process for goal-setting that got me through my first novel before my 25th birthday — though I just barely made it.

But know what?

Just barely is good enough.

So go in, learn how to set meaningful, achievable goals you’ll hit — then figure out the goal you want to hit this summer (or winter, for my Down Under guys). And hang out with us. This is going to be an awesome three months for writing fiction.

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