I’ve been doing “indie” stuff to get ready for bringing out Longview #4: Gunslinger Moon.
I’ve put together a special SF & F Reader Notification list for folks who like the genres, and set up two free stories that you can get.
The first you receive automatically when you join the list. Oddfolks is “odd fantasy.”
You sign up and confirm your email address, and you receive a confirmation email that includes the link to Oddfolks. There are two very short stories in the little book, along with details of the bigger project I hope it becomes.
The second story?
Last Thorsday Night is longer (about 8000 words), and previously published — but none of my SF & F readers will have found it. It’s time travel SF and I love it, and I hope you will too.
In the confirmation email that takes you to Oddfolks, you’ll ALSO receive the option to recommend the first story (and by extension, me as a writer you think folks would like), and get a special link you can use to do that. And if two folks sign up through your link, you get the free story as my thank you for helping me reach new folks.
Please don’t sign up through your own link just to get the second story. I kept the number of folks you need to earn your reward really low so that you could actually help me find new folks.
Why am I doing this?
Because it’s tough being an indie, tough reaching new readers, and I’m hoping that ahead of bringing out all three existing Longview stories with new covers and formatting, and offering them in print versions, too, and launching Gunslinger Moon in both ebook and print format, I can have a nice group of genuine SF/fantasy fans who will be looking forward to reading it.
Maybe reviewing it on Amazon.
Get Oddfolks just for signing up.
Referral links for this sign-up form did not work on this page.
So I created a page where they do work.
Get Oddfolks immediately after you confirm, and Last Thorsday Night when two new readers join my list through your link.
Important: Your Confirmation Email will come from Perkzilla, as will your download link to your copy of Last Thorsday Night when two new readers have signed up through your link.
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