Sick day

The weekend didn’t turn out the way I’d hoped. Oh, I got plenty of sleep, but I did it with a fever, headache, coughing, sneezing, runny eyes and nose, muscle aches… you name it. Still sick today. The kidlet had it last week, I ran down my resistance by working too hard.

Anyway, I’m taking a sick day. My son asked me if I had to call my agent to see if it was okay. I thought that was pretty funny.

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4 responses to “Sick day”

  1. PolarBear Avatar

    I can hear him saying that. So. Did you call and get permission? 😉

    BJ, he’s a wonderful kid. I’ve been fortunate enough to meet him. Hope you feel better soon, Holly.

  2. gostiee Avatar

    So sorry you’re under the weather. Actually, it sounds worse than being under the weather. If you lived closer, I would bring you a big pot of chicken noodle soup. It does wonders. Next thing you need to do is take a “Holly” day, when you’re not sick and just spend your time doing what you want to do.


  3. shawna Avatar

    Very cute. Sorry you’re not feeling well… hope you kick it out of the house soon! We’ve been taking “Dad days” lately… not as much school getting done as needs to be, but the kids need the time to reconnect with him, and he has 3-day weekends, and it’s all playing havoc with my schedule. 🙂

    I’d much rather have havoc then have him not start seeing them again, though.

  4. BJSteeves Avatar

    That was funny. Your son definitely takes after you. I would like to met him some time.

    Get well soon!

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