Should Finish the Create A Character Clinic Today

With luck, and a bit of diligent effort, I should have the first draft for Create A Character Clinic finished today. I have two beta readers already lined up. I need two more.

There is, of course, a catch. I don’t have an editor for this project, so my beta readers will have to be very focused on typos, spellos, grammatical errors, redundancies, and irrelevancies. They will also have to be pretty quick, because I want to be able to put the book up for sale on the site by Jan. 2, and I’ll need a couple of days to go through and make corrections.

So I’ll need your corrections back by, at the very latest, December 27th. And earlier would, of course, be better.

In exchange for your work, you’ll receive thanks in the acknowledgements, a free final version of the e-book, and my wild, insane gratitude.


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16 responses to “Should Finish the Create A Character Clinic Today”

  1. ASCox Avatar

    Looks like you already have loads of volunteers but I would also like to throw name in too if you still have a need. I’m insanely good at catching other such things (in other people’s work, ha!). They just jump out at me even (especially) if I’m not looking for them.

  2. Deathbyabsurdity Avatar

    Congrats on being this far along so soon. Darn work. I missed out again. Grrr. If you need a hand with anything else, give me a holler.


  3. michellerowen Avatar

    I enjoy the pre-Xmas slog. Look forward to reading it, Holly!

  4. PJ Avatar

    UGH! Shay! You aren’t the only late one. Well, if you need a 4th – put my name in the hat! I’d be happy and honored to help! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. shay Avatar

    guess i was too late in reading this, but hey if you need a third person i’ll be happy to help ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Holly Avatar

    Eep! Have been writing. Clearly should have been keeping an eye on the blog, too. I did not realize that many people would volunteer for a manuscript slog right before Christmas.

    I drew names from those on the screen right now (ending with kilishan). Thank you very much to everyone who volunteered. Claudia and Michelle, I’ll get manuscripts out to you the second I finish this.

    And thanks so very much for your help.

  7. word_after_word Avatar

    Oooh, you work fast!

    Well done. I can’t wait to read this.

  8. kilishan Avatar

    Sounds like you’ve got plenty of offers already, but I’d be willing to help. I’ve always been detail oriented in more work and have the time currently.

    Either way, I can’t wait to buy a copy of this!

  9. Angela-Marina Avatar

    I would be honoured to help beta-read this book, I’ve had quite a lot of experience and would love to assist.

    I’d beta-read it, if you still need me.

  10. peggy Avatar

    Holly – count me in if you need a volunteer still. I was a spelling champ in high school, and once corrected the grammar on a final exam in college. (Fortunately, my instructor had a sense of humor.)

    I also have no family commitments that would delay getting the comments back to you.

  11. fionaphoenix Avatar

    I’m a total novice at proofing, but I can’t wait to buy the book. If you’d like any early purchasers, please put me on that list!

  12. michellerowen Avatar

    Count me in, Holly, if you need me. I might even learn a few things while proofing. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  13. Rick Avatar

    If you still need it, count me in.

  14. arrvee Avatar

    Oooh! Oooh! Pick me! Pick me! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I would love to help. I’m obsessively anal about punctuation, spelling, etc. Sometimes to the point of being a pain-in-the-ass pedant, though. Fair warning.

  15. Claudia Avatar

    Hi Holly – I would also love the opportunity to edit your character clinic. I’ve been editing Ted’s work for many years and think I would be able to do a good job. Let me know if you’d like me to help!

  16. Mary Avatar

    I’d be happy to help out. I’ve edited quite a few manuscripts (other than my own!). I’m quick, too. Let me know.


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