Short …

Hmmmm. Having weeded and cleared brush and tossed redundancies left and right, and having the rhythm of the ending of the book pretty comfortably in my head now, I’ve found that I’m about 18,000 – 20,000 words from the end of the story with Talyn.

However, I’m still about forty thousand words from the end of the book.

Which means I’ll finish the first draft before schedule, which is good, and that I’ll have to add in all those scenes I knew I left out in the revision, which at least I’d planned on. And that I’ll have maybe a month and a half to do this, which is half a month more than I’d figured on. So, okay, I can deal with that. I’ve come up short in the first draft a number of times.

Still, it’s always just a little unnerving.

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3 responses to “Short …”

  1. Heather Avatar

    I’m sure that it will all come together really well as you work it through. And it does sound like this way is preferable to the other.

  2. Holly Avatar

    It’s sort of funny for me, too.

    But I am used to it. This is part of my process; I almost always end up reworking the outline as I get to the end, and stuff stretches and contracts. By the time I’ve done my one revision, though, it’s the right length. It’s better to have to add pages in the revision than cut out a bunch of extraneous stuff AND add missing scenes. Cuts way down on the work.

  3. Jean Avatar

    I know it isn’t for you, but having read your Weedeater fest of just a few weeks ago, on the outside looking in, this is too funny.

    Now that I’ve finished laughing, I am offering up a massive groan at the agonizing thought of you having to put stuff in.

    I *thought* I heard some loud grumbling coming from the South earlier today. It must have been you.

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