The Brain Mass Issue
The news on my brother-in-law, by the way, is there is no news. He’s in a holding pattern now, where the hospital with the doctor who WANTS to do his surgery suggested he go to a bigger medical center, and the bigger medical center said he’s not a county resident and he’s self pay, so no chance.
At this point, he’s controlling the seizures pretty well. In theory, he may be able to get the surgery in January.
My Writing
Last week went OVER seventy hours working on Hot To Revise Your Novel, including working all morning today.
Next week, I think, will be more sane. A lot of what I’ve been doing is one-time stuff associated with setting up the How To Revise Your Novel course software, the course forums, adding a NaNoWriMo forum to HTTS, testing things, creating workgroups….
A lot, of course, is writing the course and interacting with my two beta students, so even once everything is set up, I’m still going to be logging some serious hours. And once the Early Birds hit How To Revise Your Novel at the end of November or the first part of December, that’s going to require some additional time, too.
But, to get to the point, I wiped out around 3 AM last night without ever getting to my fiction.
I’m not going to write tonight. Today is my Official Weekend, DammitTM. 🙂
But I’ll be back tomorrow night. With fiction.
How did you do yesterday? How are you doing today?
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