S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Write!

There is no place in the world for the Bay City Rollers, or bad puns on bad songs … but … I couldn’t resist.

Plan for the day:

  • 1000 words or better on the proposal
  • 2500 words or better on the book
  • Done by 8 p.m.

Got the first two yesterday, missed the third because of a late start. I have no such excuse today. So, onward.

Not sure where the proposal will go, but in the book, today is the scene I put off writing on Thursday with Molly — the really grim, dark, heart-wrenching one. And maybe, depending on whether it comes in short or not — and it may because of its content — a brief scene with Baanraak, who will not be so likeable in his evildoing this time, I think. Oh, yes — yesterday I passed 300 manuscript pages, which seems to call for some sort of commemoration, considering that I only started outlining this book on November 24th, and started the actual writing on November 28th.

Three hundred manuscript pages in exactly one month. Damn. If I could do that on a regular basis ….

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