Ruby Key: Done!

I love it. It’s done. And I’m done in. Going to be offline for the next two days, getting over this flu-y thing and catching up on my sleep.


And on time, too.

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19 responses to “Ruby Key: Done!”

  1. roza Avatar

    Loved the book.

  2. Gabriele Avatar

    Here are some Conga Rats for you. They have fresh fruit, too. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. zette Avatar

    Good work and congratulations! I’m looking forward to seeing it on the shelves!

  4. Ann Avatar

    Yay! Congrats! Hope you enjoy your rest. TTFN, Ann

  5. Maxx Avatar

    Party time!

    …after recovery of course. Maybe just a soup party ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Congrats and great job Holly!

  6. Chassit Avatar

    Way to go Holly! I knew you could do it! Congratulations!

    Hope you get to feel better soon. You deserve a rest anyway!

  7. Jason Penney Avatar

    Trying to catch up on things and I saw this. Congratulations!

    Good luck with the sickness. I know how you feel there. The girls got some stomach nasty, then the baby came, then the girls got better and I got sick, then I got better and my wife got sick. All better now (so far).

  8. shawna Avatar

    Yay! Enjoy the rest… you’ve earned it. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Rick Avatar

    Never a doubt in my mind. Congratulations, and I can’t wait to read it – now go the hell to bed!

  10. LadyQ Avatar

    WOO! Have a lovely restful next couple of days. ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. BJSteeves Avatar

    Many Congrats! Now go take care of yourself. We will still be here.

  12. MattScudder Avatar

    Sweet! Congrats. Enjoy the sleep. No doubt you’ve earned it.

  13. Jess Avatar

    *o/* Yay!! Congrats. Feel better soon.

  14. Inkblot Avatar


    Woo Hoo!!!

    *throws a party for Holly*

    I hope you recover quickly ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. TinaK Avatar

    Whooohoooo! An extra 19k in words to. Awesome. Can’t wait to read this one! Feel better soon.

  16. TJ Avatar

    Woohoo! Congrats!

    This is going to be one interesting read.

  17. WritingAngel Avatar

    Woo hoo!! *pops party poppers* I love how you led this entry with ‘I love it’. That makes it all worthwhile.

  18. JeriT Avatar

    Whee! Congratulations! *throws confetti* Your tenacity amazes me each time. Now enjoy that (those) day(s) off!

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