Got 2512 words on Talyn yesterday, passed 190,000 words, which was another big landmark, and I like the story I’m getting. It’s taking me long, long hours to get 2400 words or better right now. Yesterday it took me six hours, the day before, seven. To get the hours I need, I’m getting up long before dawn (4-5 AM) and working until everyone else’s schedule demands that I stop.
But I am getting the pages, even if I’m having a hard time doing it. I’m really looking forward to hitting the part of the book where the endrush kicks in, and all of a sudden the words start flying again. There’s never any way of telling when that will hit, but I’m ready. Soon would be fine by me.
Meanwhile, I’m trying to find another snippet from the book that I can pull out and drop here, but at this point almost everything is rife with spoilers.
One response to “Rolling Slowly Forward”
Ouch–2,400 words a day sounds nasty. I’m pushing myself to get 1,000 a day at the moment, and I’m not even working to a deadline. I hope the endrush comes soon for you; they’re wild while they last, and definitely help to get past the plodding middle section of the manuscript. So now it’s my turn to say ‘go get that ending!’