Revelations galore, and a wild shock for me — 1015 words today, and 11,119 total.

Hooo, boy! I shocked my own socks of this morning.

I thought I knew where the story was going, and I did not. Well… the part of me that writes consciously didn’t, anyway.

My Muse might have had this planned… but I don’t think so. I think it  was surprised, too.

The revelation my subconscious mind pulled out of its hat was the kind of surprise that fit so perfectly, and was so duplicitous that I found myself wondering how long it had stored that away.

It didn’t come easily. Through some hours of writing, and cutting out bits and pieces, and putting things down, and muttering, “No, that’s not it,” I was working toward something. But I didn’t know what it was.

And then, Muse went “TA DAAAAAAH!” like some little kid who just brought home a kitten…

Only this one wasn’t seven hundred pounds with foot-long fangs.

DAMN, it was beautiful.

And I love when that shit happens.

Oh… also… Realized that I have for years held onto the domain that is going to be the second half of the stuff James Husum and I are going to be working on as the backend for my Title. Cover. Copy. class.

So a weekend of letting my Muse sleep while I stretched out on the couch playing Kairosoft games on my Switch just paid off with HUGE dividends.

HOWEVER… Now off to see how the “moving the site” stuff is going, and where we are.

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