“Requested” takes precedence over “on-spec”

In the writing universe, at least, those projects which an editor is waiting to see take precedence over those which are purely speculative. I’ll still be doubling up — working on both the requested thing and Midnight Rain. However, between yesterday afternoon and this morning I’ve had a serious re-think. First thing in the morning and all the freshest thoughts are going into project development and outlining today.

Alan can realize ‘all is not right’ later today.

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One response to ““Requested” takes precedence over “on-spec””

  1. Robert A. Sloan Avatar

    Yayyyyy!!!! Congratulations!!!!!

    That is so great!

    Thank you again for showing the way.

    I just had all my priorities upended by a positive nibble on my Tor submission. It is nowhere near the present quality of my fiction, thanks to you and Forward Motion. I am at least twice the writer I was when I sent that in.

    If it’s a positive nibble on a rough half the quality of my present work, a Substantial Rewrite could tip it into the basket to become my First Novel Sale, with a publisher well known for launching new SFF authors.

    That just kicked half of my other presently due scheduled projects into "I am juggling like crazy and prioritizing" and it’s gone out to my best crit buddy, coming back with good crits and on the top of the docket right after classwork. Everything else important goes on maintenance, not push on it to get done real soon. New projects like turning SelfHelp into a magazine format got tucked back into "I’ll do that later, for now I’ll just get it moved."

    And just when I came to that decision I finally got some time to look at weblogs and caught up on this entry. My jaw dropped. You are so right.

    "Sure, send the rewrite. Don’t bother sending a print manuscript, a floppy will do."

    Magic words and that’s light in the door. Time for me to act like I’ve been a pro for years and years.

    Adventure. Excitement. It’s why I’m a writer, not a Jedi. >^..^< Robert and Ari >^..^<

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