Request for Your Help

My mother-in-law, whom I love dearly, is waiting for test results on her liver, which is tremendously enlarged. (While she’s apparently been quite sick for a couple of weeks, we just found this out). So far, her tests have all come back clear, except for one that shows elevation of an enzyme that is sometimes indicative of cancer. A liver biopsy and other tests are still pending.

While I don’t believe in religion, I do believe in both God and the power of prayer from those of any faith, or from no faith at all. I’ve seen prayer work when I was a nurse, I’ve seen it work since.

So, if you are willing to do this, please offer a prayer for her good health, light a candle, send her energy or healing — whatever fits within your beliefs. Her name is Susan. If you have a prayer chain or a healing circle or other group who would add her, please offer her name and situation to them. If you want to pass this request on to others who would be willing to pray for her, I appreciate that, too.

I’m afraid for her, and for her family.

For both myself and my kids, including the older two whom she has treated like her own grandkids since they showed up in her life, I want her to come through this healthy and strong.

Thank you so much.

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