I suspect that the comments portion of this weblog may have been used to send spam, and I need to find out if this was what happened, and if it was, what I have to do to prevent it from happening again.
… Details including problem headers
I could use the professional opinion of folks who have sendmail expertise. Greymatter (the blogging software I use) sends me copies of each comment posted in this weblog. These always arrive with the same [Greymatter] Notice: Comment Posted header, and most of the time I just dump them because I read the the comments on the site. They serve more to let me know I have comments I need to check out than anything. Not sure why I read the first of the two problem ones this morning, but I did, and now I’m worried.
Though both problem e-mails this morning had the same outside header, and had been sent to me by the Greymatter program, neither was anything that had been posted in response to an entry. Usual Greymatter mail tells me which post (title and number) received the comment, and these didn’t have that. One was, instead, a couple of articles on gay rights protesters at Harvard, and it looks like it might have been spammed either to me through the program, or worse, sent using some flaw in the program to a lot of other people. The other one was a blank message Can one of you folks take a look at the headers included in the extended entry and tell me whether this is something that would require me shutting down comments, or turning of all HTML in comments (I’ve already dropped it from ‘pretty much anything goes’ to ‘bold, underline, link only’ this morning), or whether this looks like it was something that was incoming and only affected me?
I don’t want to have to shut down comments, the most likely exploitable part of the program, but a part of this weblog that I value. So I would be grateful for any help figuring out what this was and how to prevent it from happening again.
Thanks in advance.
From: Greymatter
Date: Fri Jun 27, 2003 6:14:12 PM US/Eastern
To: my email address
Subject: [Greymatter] Notice: Comment Posted
Received: from smtp.sff.net (smtp.sff.net [])
by smtp.sff.net (Greyware Mailman 1.1.b.20030625R)
via FILE
Fri, 27 Jun 2003 13:34:54 -0500
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by smtp.sff.net (Greyware Mailman 1.1.b.20030625R)
Fri, 27 Jun 2003 13:34:47 -0500
Received: from mauve [] by mail.webbox.com
(SMTPD32-6.00) id AE461F550078; Fri, 27 Jun 2003 11:34:46 -0700
To: “watchdog@militia-watchdog.org”
From: “Margaret Marten”
Subject: MA: Phelps Clan Protests At Harvard
Message-Id: <270603178.41687@webbox.com>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
content-length: 4180
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 11:34:47 -0700
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Originally published on Friday, June 27, 2003 in the News section
of The Harvard Crimson.
Anti-Gay Rights Group Protests At Commencement
Crimson Staff Writer
Graduates marching toward banner-filled Tercentenary Theatre
were faced with placards of another sort Commencement day, as
[snipped by me, then more headers]
Received: from smtp.sff.net (smtp.sff.net [])
by smtp.sff.net (Greyware Mailman 1.1.b.20030625R)
via FILE
Fri, 27 Jun 2003 13:34:54 -0500
Received: from mail.webbox.com (mail.webbox.com [])
by smtp.sff.net (Greyware Mailman 1.1.b.20030625R)
Fri, 27 Jun 2003 13:34:47 -0500
Received: from mauve [] by mail.webbox.com
(SMTPD32-6.00) id AE461F550078; Fri, 27 Jun 2003 11:34:46 -0700
To: “watchdog@militia-watchdog.org”
From: “Margaret Marten”
Subject: MA: Phelps Clan Protests At Harvard
Message-Id: <270603178.41687@webbox.com>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
content-length: 4180
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 11:34:47 -0700
X-Exempt-Data: No
X-Exempt-IP: No
X-Envelope-From: mmarten@netwalk.com
Precedence: bulk
Mailing-List: watchdog@militia-watchdog.org; moderator mark.pitcavage@worldnet.att.net
Return-Path: watchdog@militia-watchdog.org
Reply-To: watchdog@militia-watchdog.org
List-Unsubscribe: watchdog-unsubscribe@militia-watchdog.org
Sender: “Margaret Marten”
Errors-To: watchdog-bounce@militia-watchdog.org
X-Renamed-Executables: No
X-Disabled-Scripts: No
X-List-Recipient: [removed]
Originally published on Friday, June 27, 2003 in the News section
of The Harvard Crimson.
Anti-Gay Rights Group Protests At Commencement
Crimson Staff Writer
Graduates marching toward banner-filled Tercentenary Theatre
And a second e-mail, blank except for this.
From: Greymatter
Date: Fri Jun 27, 2003 11:17:23 PM US/Eastern
To: my email
Subject: [Greymatter] Notice: Comment Posted
Received: from smtp.sff.net (smtp.sff.net [])
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