Not sure why this struck me today, but I find myself curious. I have an image in my head of perhaps thirty or forty people who read this thing with any sort of regularity (based on posted replies, what little I can garner from my web stats, and my guess on the amount of interest that what I have to say as a person rather than as a writer holds for most people). It could vary as much as ten percent either way without me being surprised.
But I am curious, and perhaps you’re curious, too. I’d like to ask your help in a dreadfully unscientific little survey. If you consider yourself a regular reader (however you personally define ‘regular’, from dropping by from time to time just to see what’s here, to having the weblog bookmarked and checking in daily), please reply in this entry’s comments. You don’t need to put anything more up there than a name (doesn’t have to be your real one if you’re shy), and a little notation in the comments body like “sporadic” or “daily” or “weekly” or whatever. You can say more if you’d like, of course. If you are a regular and there are things you’d really like to see more often, you can mention them, though I can’t guarantee you will see them. It won’t hurt if I know what you’re hoping to find, though.
Please just post once — it’d be a big pain to go through the IPs in the log picking out duplicates and deleting them, and I’d rather not.
And thanks for participating. If you’re a regular, thanks for coming by to see what I have to say, and adding your own two bits from time to time.
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