I think the last software I recommended was Scrivener, back when it first came out.
MAYBE Vellum (but that’s Mac only).
So today I’m recommending some free-to-remarkably inexpensive software that has taken a helluva lot of the crazy out of my day.
Meet Freeter…
The Organizer for Folks Who DO
This is a free download, vailable for Mac & PC (and I think I read that they have a Linux version in the works). I got the paid version after trying out the free version for about fifteen minutes. INSTANTLY sold me.
Take a look at what I’ve got here.
Top left corner of the software, you have what I think of as the Process List.
Fiction is my first process of the day.
And in the first screenshot, you see DAILY FICTION.
This is pretty simple. I have access to my fiction folder (and all my project subfolders in the clickable list to the left.
The three colored icons are my active projects.
And right below them is my schedule.
If I were just dealing with fiction, it wouldn’t be so difficult.
But fiction, of course, is just a part of what I do each day.
So check out the top left corner of the next screenshot.
Right now the next Daily Process is How to Write a Novel, which is such a complicated build that it isn’t just “Write Nonfiction.”
Fleeter allows me to have JUST my How to Write a Novel folder loaded up, all the files and links I need added in the top three rows, my Weekly Per Lesson step-by-step checklist, and my daily class To Do list.
Sitting on the exact same desktop as my fiction stuff. No flipping between screen
No trying to remember where I put X.
It took me about ten minutes to set up my fiction process.
Just not that much there, but it gets me started smoothly each morning.
Took me about two hours to hunt down everything and set up the Class process, but as you can see, building just one lesson is a BIG process, and I’m doing one of those per week, and some lessons require things I don’t use all that often.
When I get finished with How to Write a Novel, I have my next nonfiction project pending…
The Canary Revisions. Going through my classes that are in Spliters version, and methodically finding and fixing and upgrading and updating each one.
When I’m ready for that, The Canary Revisions will get a build-out that looks like my HTWAN build. But for now, it’s just a list of the planned order in which I’m fixing things.
While writing a bunch more novels.
Freeter and my really ugly bullet journal are how I’m getting things done.
And you know what? Mondays are still a bitch. But I’m dealing with them. And I know I’ll get the stuff I have to get done today done.
None of the links are affiliate links, by the way. They’re just stuff I use, love, and recommend.
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