Over the years, I asked my site readers a fair number of questions. I saved both the questions and then answers to a lot of these surveys on the site that hosted them.
The site then deleted them.
So now I’ll be doing my own quiz hosting, thank you very much.
I’ll be building some fun reader quizzes. They’ll be linked here when they’re done.
I already have three non-interactive WRITING quizzes to get you started.
- QUIZ: Are You Right for Writing?
- QUIZ: Want to Save the World Through Typing?
- QUIZ: Your Unfinished Manuscript: Burn It, Bury It, or Let It Live?
I have a spiffy new plugin that’s letting me create fun interactive quizzes.
I’m learning to use it now. Watch here for links to those as I create them.
Meanwhile, if you want to meet other writers who share your passion and who are working in a friendly, supportive environment, come hang out with us and make progress on your writing in my free writing community.
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