Probably the last day of WARPAINT post-edit type-in #wabwm

I have 48 pages to go.

Did well over 200 yesterday. So I’m getting a late start, but I’m here.

Here’s the list of what remains to be done before the book goes out (this to explain why finishing type-in today does NOT mean the book will be for sale tomorrow.)

Once I’ve completed type-in, I have to sit down and read through the whole thing. Why? Because along with fixing all the previous error Matt and I could find, I scrapped three chapters and several solid chunks of other material, and replaced it with brand-new, never-edited material.

When I’ve smoothed out the last infelicities, I have to format the books for PDF/Print.

Then I have to send ARCs (advance reader copies) to my list of reviewers.

I have to do corrections on the print version from mistakes captured by my ARC readers, and publish the print book. It takes a while to work through the system, so to have the print version available at more or less the same time the Kindle, ePub, and PDF versions go live, I have to publish it first.

I’ll wait a couple more days for ARC readers to get in their corrections (by the way, not all ARC readers send me corrections. Just a few do.), then do final corrections and formatting on the Kindle, ePub, and PDF versions.

I’ll then make the book available on all platforms. Finally, I’ll put up the songs and the Minecraft Space Station.

And then I’ll take the rest of December, and possibly the first week of January, OFF. 😀

Good luck with your words. Kick ass!

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8 responses to “Probably the last day of WARPAINT post-edit type-in #wabwm”

  1. JerryRace Avatar

    This week i decided to do goals, motivations and conflict stuff. Got 12 scenes of GMCs done. This is for my wip Renegade Vampire.

  2. JerryRace Avatar

    Holly, keep up the good writing. I wanna get Warpain in print.

  3. KenB Avatar

    I have this character that was originally a support character in chapter one. Right away, I knew he was going to die. He exists for a specific reason and he has done it well.

    This dude keeps pulling surprises and rabbits out of his hat. This guy is still alive. Which is good because the Chapters he is in are actually better, but now its like, Dude – Die already. His refusal to play along has added a couple scenes as well due to location changes, another unplanned surprise.

    So, in turn, I think about what happens next. The solution hits me all at once and as I write it out, my imagine kicks into full blast. I look at the character and say “Take that” he in turn looks at me and says “I’m not dying off that easily.”

    I finish writing the end of Chapter four and again my imagination kicks… The character looks at the monkey wrench I threw at him and then at me. “You Son of a #$#@”

    Originally, he was suppose to die in the beginning of chapter three. I am about to start chapter five and once again, planning his demise. My savings grace is that he has not derailed the plot in anyway.

  4. Rabidwriter33 Avatar

    I am new to this, I am trying to write a novel by scenes, today I finished 2 from plot cards and pieces I did in the page turning scenes clinic and typed about 1000 words between the two incomplete, now completed scenes today.

  5. KenB Avatar

    @ Holly
    Awesome. Reward yourself with your favorite frosty beverage when complete.

    Yesterday was another one of those days from Hades over here… Tonight, though, I am transferring what I had written from my ipad to scrivener. The scene is written, now I want to make sure it works with the chapter and smooth it out, then I’ll check my word count to see how much more I got from my process.

    I didn’t check the total word count yet, but I believe I broke 10K words with this scene.

    1. KenB Avatar

      10400 total with my slow turtle crawl. 1/6th towards goal of 60K. With the surprises the characters gave me in chapter 3 and 4, I suspect that I will probably overshoot my goal. 🙂

  6. Jen of Hens Avatar
    Jen of Hens

    880 words today. And a whole heap of frustration. Sigh.

    1. Holly Avatar

      Hang in. Hope it’s going better today.

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