Podcast: Episode Three Is Up

This on is The One With All the Questions. 100% reader comments and questions. You can listen to it here, or head over to my Libsyn page to get the show notes, links, etc.

Episode ran long this time — there were a lot of questions, and while I hit most of them, a few remain.

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6 responses to “Podcast: Episode Three Is Up”

  1. Holly Avatar

    Okay, then. Laughter’s good. Don’t mind at all offending those who have earned disdain, but you hadn’t. Remember, bad names are simply what writers come up with before they figure out how to create better names.

  2. unxplaindfires Avatar

    Don’t worry Holly, I wasn’t offended. I knew it was a terrible name and found it both funny and very honest of you when you read it. I pause the show becuase I was laughing so loud and hard that I couldn’t hear you. Come on, his name was Pyke. Disdain is the order of the day, or at least a little pleasure in seeing a name like that die.
    Thanks again.

  3. Rogue Avatar

    Having read Jeff’s comment I could not help but boast ๐Ÿ˜‰ that I had the privilege of being the author of the first question ever covered (Ep. I).

    Sorry… simply had to ๐Ÿ™‚

    When I heard it my heart rate doubled ๐Ÿ™‚

    And I just realised that I may have not thanked you for the time you take to do all this.


    P.S. I will probably have some more of those (questions) quite soon.

  4. Holly Avatar

    Jeff, please do not think that was disdain. As the writer who once named a lead character Draegan Dankmire, I have nothing but sympathy for writers who give their characters bad names.

    Well … and a bit of amusement.

  5. unxplaindfires Avatar

    Hey Holly

    Just listened to the podcast, and was surprised to hear my question so quickly (this is Jeff by the way). Thank you so much for covering it, I dreaded looking through Baby Naming books and was relieved to hear of a better way. Also, I had to pause the show after hearing you read about Pyke, there was a hint of disdain in you voice that I found halirious. You’ll be glad to know he has since been renamed, using your suggested method. Thank you again.

    Live well, Love well.


  6. Rogue Avatar

    Once again… it ROCKS ๐Ÿ™‚

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