Podcast Episode I: The One With the Fangs

New episode of Holly Lisle On Writing is up. The first real episode, actually. You can go to the website linked above, where you can get the links for the great music I’ve used as bumpers, and find out a bit more about the show. Or you can simply click the little player in the column to your left and listen to it here.

Or … you can subscribe, either from your iTunes player or from the show site.

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5 responses to “Podcast Episode I: The One With the Fangs”

  1. laura Avatar

    Hi, I cant seem to access your podcast? Is there any reason for this? I stumbled on your site a few years ago and am getting back into the writing am when i found podcasts by yourself i was so excited but they dont seem to work. Thanks

    1. Holly Lisle Avatar
      Holly Lisle

      I haven’t done the podcast in years. It’s still on iTunes, I think, but it took me a full week of work to do one. I simply couldn’t afford the time.

  2. Katherine Avatar

    FYI, a plague of comment spam seems to have struck a bunch of your older posts. Something called “Pizza Review.” Sigh…

  3. Oliver Dale Avatar

    I am such a huge fan of your podcasts! Thanks for taking the time.

  4. Exodus Avatar

    Awww, the kitty spoke up.

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