Plot Clinic, Version 2

Plot Clinic, Version 2I’ve completed the corrections and additions on Plot Clinic, and have added live links and bookmarks. Anyone who purchased either the beta or any iteration of Version 1 can download Version 2 here. Remember to log in and click on your account (top left box).

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14 responses to “Plot Clinic, Version 2”

  1. tkeller Avatar


    Actually I don’t have a printer at home, because most of what I do, I do in an office. But I can’t print off 200+ pages there, so I was going to have it printed at a copy center, but they won’t do it without copyright permission. If you don’t mind my printing a copy for personal use, would you mind granting permission for this? I suppose I should find out what I might need…I will ask today when I pick up the Culture Clinic. Thanks!

  2. Holly Avatar

    You can always print off a copy of the ebook for your personal use. The “permission to print” notice is for the books that have worksheets, especially for people who buy them in print format and have to go to a library or other place where copyrights are checked to print them off. I didn’t want someone watching out for my copyright to tell the person who bought the book that he couldn’t make copies of the worksheets. If you’re printing them off on your home printer, this is never an issue.

  3. tkeller Avatar


    I purchased “Create a Plot Clinic” and “Create a Culture Clinic” today, both as e-books. I have “Create a Language Clinic” from some time ago. CaLC has a permission to print one copy for personal use, as does CaCC. I could not find on in CaPC. Is it just missing, or is there a reason I cannot have it printed? I like to have them as hard copies…makes it easier for me to follow. I appreciate your response. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. slunsford Avatar

    Thanks Holly for giving the official testers a copy. I wasn’t sure how to ask without looking greedy!

    Happy Mother’s Day.

    Sandy L

  5. Holly Avatar

    Mandy–download instructions are here. You can re-download any book you’ve purchased at any time.

  6. Mandy Avatar

    Either I’m really dim, or I shouldn’t be trying to think @ 4 in the morning, because I can’t figure out how to download the new version. Help?

  7. Holly Avatar

    LadyQ–I probably should have dropped any attempt to reference Pakistan in relationship to languages at all. I looked it up when I wrote that section and decided on a generic “Pakistani” because of the following:

    1)Pakistan รขโ‚ฌโ€ Languages: Punjabi 48%, Sindhi 12%, Siraiki (a Punjabi variant) 10%, Pashtu 8%, Urdu (official) 8%, Balochi 3%, Hindko 2%, Brahui 1%, English (official; lingua franca of Pakistani elite and most government ministries), Burushaski and other 8%
    According to the CIA site

    2)The Pakistan entry at

  8. LadyQ Avatar


    I grabbed the updated version and noticed that on pg. 77, you list “Pakistani” as a language. The official language of Pakistan is Urdu (a Pakistani is a citizen of the country). I have to be curmudgeonly about this because I am from Pakistan. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Holly Avatar

    Eve and KatieAnne–private emails sent. If you don’t find them, check your spam.

  10. Eve Avatar

    Holly, I purchase Plot Clinic version 1. I tried just now to download version 2 but version 1 isn’t in my purchase history and I can’t figure out how to get version 2, short of purchasing again. Help?

  11. KatieAnne Avatar

    Hi Holly, I’m the owner of Wake Up Writing and I’d love to talk to you about this book (which I’ve just started reading and love your style!) as I’ve got an idea to run past you. Can you email me? Thanks.


  12. Holly Avatar

    Oh, good point, Heather. Hadn’t thought of that. I’ll send you folks finished copy, too.

  13. HeatherCW Avatar

    Do the official beta testers get a new copy? I cannot figure out how to download it since I didn’t buy it.


  14. Rick Avatar

    Thanks for the comment, Holly. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m starting the blog and site from scratch because the old one went down… so take two! I’m excited.

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