Please Bid

In the Larissa Ione fundraiser, here’s the link to my soon-to-close manuscript crit, my still-have-some-time manuscript crit, autographed Midnight Rain, autographed Last Girl Dancing, autographed complete WORLD GATES trilogy, and the link to all the other auctions.

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8 responses to “Please Bid”

  1. Ahdie Avatar

    Hmmm – didn’t notice this one: but I’ll say it here too: given the continuing bidding war on Anna’s full ms ‘crit, it would be wonderful if more editors offered the same. I imagine the money raised for Larissa would be astonishing.


  2. ammit Avatar

    I’ll buy two copies of TALYN and mail them to you if you want to offer signed copies for auction.

  3. tambo Avatar

    Can we still offer stuff? My editor was out of town and I JUST got a pair of ARC’s of Threads coming my way that I can donate.

  4. Holly Avatar

    Because Frank and Gretchen are okay, here are the things I’ve offered to the Larissa Ione fundraiser.

    — A second partial manuscript critique (same 30 p. ms. + 5 p. synop. as the previous one)
    — One set of three signed WORLD GATES novels (these are paperback originals.)
    — One LAST GIRL DANCING, signed
    — One MIDNIGHT RAIN, signed.

    If I ever get my damned authors’ copies of TALYN, I’ll put in one of those, too — but haven’t seen hide nor hair of them yet, and I don’t want to commit something I can’t deliver.

  5. ammit Avatar

    You’re the leader of the pack so far. If only I had something ready to be read. :/


  6. Holly Avatar

    For now, I’m saving autographed books for the Frank Andrew Fundraiser. I don’t have as many people to call on for goodies to auction as the Romwriters crit group. So I figure this way, I can have a few extra things to throw into that particular pot.

  7. TinaK Avatar

    I bid on your crit! I’m so excited. You know what else I’d bid on? Any of your books autographed by you. 🙂 Yeah, I’d love one of those. Especially Talyn. *hint hint*

  8. PolarBear Avatar

    After I get home tonight…

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