Pausing to Think

Novel outline is going well, but I needed a break, so I surfed. Douglas Hoffman gave a nice review of Last Girl Dancing; Jcop wants to know where the fourth book in the WORLD GATES series is (Hint: When I’m howlingly successful, the publisher will probably want the last four planned books. Meantime, I did the best I could to give the series closure); Danjel Bout offers a clear look at his location, a place as alien as the surface of Mars; Stuart McBride rants well on an example of breathtaking responsibility avoidance; Zette Gifford (who’s now just shy of 8000 writers in the FM Writers’ Community), offers some insight into working with writers; Carter offers an essay on Us vs. Not-Us (my take on the same issue is Common Ground: Holding Communities Together, plus the entire novel Talyn. This is a subject that compels and fascinates me.

First time I’ve had a chances to look at other folks’ weblogs in a couple of weeks, and it was shorter than I would have wished. Deadlines compel, and one of the migraines that have been hovering and diving for the last couple of weeks is hovering now.

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