Passed Page 850 This Morning

Slid about halfway to the end of page 852, as a matter of fact. And had a lot of fun doing it. Hero and heroine are in desperate straits, enemies all around, death narrowly averted not just once but from several different directions, and a bit of fun with slime and creepy crawlies in absolute darkness.

Even at 4:30 in the morning, I like my job.

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5 responses to “Passed Page 850 This Morning”

  1. Linda Avatar

    You go, Holly. I can’t imagine writing a novel that long, and I’m not a short writer by any means. But, you never know where the muse will take you. I can’t wait to read this one. The snippets have been wondeful. 🙂

  2. Holly Lisle Avatar
    Holly Lisle

    Go, Alex! 90,000 is terrific. Go get that ending!

  3. Alex Avatar

    I’ve just passed a landmark of my own–90,000 words. The end is in sight!

  4. Holly Lisle Avatar
    Holly Lisle

    [g] Now consider that I still have nearly a third of the book yet to write.

    I have to admit to being pretty intimidated by this one.

  5. Sheila Avatar

    850 pages? Suddenly my WIP feels like I’m writing a longish book report.

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