Holly Lisle: Writing, Fiction, & Discovery

  • Did the math

    I’m estimating 120,000 words for the replacement to Closer to Chaos. At my new page set-up, I’m averaging 192 words a page (less than previously, but I now have more room to edit on a page, which is important.) I’ll have to do 625 pages, and if I divide those into 50 scenes, I’ll average…

  • Onward, chin jutted in womanly determination

    Or so I am trying to make myself believe. Closer to Chaos, title that I love, has been moved to book three. I’m starting the outline for the new book two, which has the infelicitious working title of Paths to Eternity but may end up being The Wreck of Heaven or something even more odd.…

  • Well, I found the theme

    At this late, late date, with my deadlines all gone to hell and Closer to Chaos living up to its title in ways I cannot even begin to describe, I have located the theme. The main, core, heart-and-soul theme of the whole goddamned thing, the rudder, the star by which to steer the ship. Love…

  • Grim, grimmer, grimmest

    Pretty much everything I’ve written on Closer to Chaos to this point is going to have to go. The reality of this is sinking is as I proof through Memory of Fire — CTC is not meeting my standards for coherent storytelling; there are things about it that I like, and I may managed to…

  • I’m really looking forward to getting back to writing.

    Today I have had the endless fun of reloading software, remembering passwords, and getting things to work. Yippee. This is not the way I like to spend my work time; unfortunately, in order to use the computer, first you gotta make it run. Giant, lumpy, hairy pain in the ass. It is, however, more fun…

  • And I forgot to mention my ARCs of Memory of Fire came today

    ARCs are advance reading copies — the unproofed bound versions of a book that go out to reviewers. They’re beautiful. I’m proofing the ms. now, and finding a fair number of errors, but, damn, Avon Eos did a nice job on this book. I’m excited. Download as PDFPrint Page


    My goddamned work-computer internet connection/modem works now. Only had to reformat the hard drive twice to get it to work again, too (and this after every other possible option had been exhausted, and me with it.) But I can blog while I write again, and I can research, and — ah, for joy, for frabjous…

  • Not much happiness tonight

    Computer reformatted, things still not working. Back to the grind. The damned thing IS going to work. Download as PDFPrint Page

  • It’s a conspiracy

    I e-mailed the Blogback guy to see what I had to do to get my comments back. I had no more than pressed the SEND button on my e-mail client than comments came back. The Internet WANTS me to look like an idiot. (And I was doing such a good job on my own …)…

  • Amazing …

    All the blog-comments providers seem to have gone more-or-less simultaneously tits up. Which means either no comments on the blog, or something complicated that I’d host myself. And I’m not sure SFF-net will work with something like that. More info as I find it. Download as PDFPrint Page

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