Page 257

Finished up yesterday on page 257, and almost every page of that was new material, most of it composed on the spot to correct a massive central police procedural error that I made. By the time I was done, I had a brutal headache and was too damned tired to note progress here.

On the upside, I have a couple of extra days to do this — heard from Claire, and she won’t be ready to read it until Monday. Which means I can work on it until Saturday, do a final spell-check and continuity run on Sunday, and e-mail it Sunday night to be waiting for her when she gets to work Monday morning.

On the downside, the TALYN copyedit will be arriving today, and the second I get it, the clock starts ticking on that. It’s going to sit on my desk like Godzilla, glowering at me until I get it done. It’s due Nov. 4, and every minute I’m running over on LGD is a minute I’m not getting done with TALYN, which is a minute I’m not playing catch-up with THE BOOK THAT WON’T BE CALLED RIKNIR.

And I’m so anxious to get back to NOT RIKNIR that it hurts.

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