Opening Pandora’s Box

On page six of the proposal, with hero and heroine facing a nasty, nasty dilemma: they can either work for the vile chap who holds them hostage, creating a subtle, evil weapon they know will be used against their own people, and hoping that they’ll have the opportunity to turn it against their captor before he can sell it; or they can die. Right now. Messily.

In the plus column, they have access to a rangy, ratty mutt, and they have each other.

In the minus column, they can’t stand each other.

But an Atlantic Holly Azure has appeared, bringing unexpected good news.

I think I like this. I know I like the basic premise, but I’m not sure I’m getting the immediacy of the threat across. Time to let it vegetate for a while while I go work on the copyedit of TALYN.

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