
Had an “oops” moment with the blog. I…er…updated WordPress without backing up, and in doing so screwed up my templates and deleted a lot of folks “remember me” login codes. I apologize for the inconvencience I’ve caused some of you.

I am looking for a new template (I don’t like the current one at all) but the one that appeared briefly while I was reuploading an old backup copy of the blog was not a contender.

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8 responses to “Ooops…”

  1. Holly Avatar

    The template I had a year ago was one I built myself; it’s incompatible with the current version of WordPress, and I haven’t had time to mess with anything else. I hate CSS templates. I’d prefer a simple three-column HTML table template with everything inside the tables done with CSS, but attempts I’ve made with that all break. And I haven’t found anything else that I like. Urgh.

    Now is not the time for experimenting, though.

  2. klharrds Avatar

    I’m not sure what i’m using but the page lays out properly on my PC at home but is screwy with the one at work.

  3. Gabriele Avatar

    Maybe my short term installment of Firefox (which I didn’t like in the end) scared the beejuzes out of my IE and it behaves now. 🙂

  4. e_Jim Avatar

    Maybe it’s my computer that’s screwd up.
    but Klharrds21 has the same problem.

  5. Gabriele Avatar

    I’ve IE too, but I get both sidebars on the left side and the blog text starts on top where it should. 🙂

  6. Nandini Avatar

    Holly, I could do a template for you if you like. (I’m a freelance web designer.) It’s the least I could do for all I’ve learned from you.

  7. klharrds21 Avatar

    Me too.

  8. e_Jim Avatar

    I liked the template you had a year ago. In IE I have to go about halfway down the page to get to the Blog.

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