Ohio-Novel Monday: Still working through the rewrite of the stuff I saved last Friday

I did a lot of words. Pulled stuff out, put stuff in, and at the end of it, I don’t have 1250 words to show for my time, but when you’re fixing and tinkering and replacing chunks of text, that’s the way it goes.

I Iike this section. I love the characters, I love the conflict, I love the weirdness of it.

But in first draft, I really prefer writing new words to rescuing old ones from a previous book.

The count for the day? 549 net words, and 24,791 total.

However, this does mean that I am now significantly past the the 25% mark on the book.



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2 responses to “Ohio-Novel Monday: Still working through the rewrite of the stuff I saved last Friday”

  1. Donnalee D-M Avatar
    Donnalee D-M

    I am glad that you are doing well on this book.

    As a completely sideways digression, I just read the series about Lauren and Molly et al. for the first time, one book a night for the last three nights, and I really appreciated it. In the last twentyish years I have been dead three times, and yes, it seems to be very much like that. The healing and being what I call being a ‘body empath’ was also very relatable to me personally. I loved the flow of magic as healing for realms/worlds too.

    Thanks for the helpful words at the right time!

    thanks and best wishes
    Donnalee D-M

    1. Holly Avatar

      Hi, Donnalee,

      I’m glad you found the World Gates novels, and liked them… and I’m delighted that (entirely by accident) my “other side” stuff was relatable. Have never been dead, myself, but I was a nurse for a long time (ten years) before my fiction started selling… and I saw an awful lot of death on this side.

      While I was writing them, I did my best to imagine passage from life to death, and wrote the fiction of it as best I could based on what I’d seen in the here-and-now.

      Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know you enjoyed them.


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