OHIO 5: 620 words, the wrap-up of Chapter 5, and the start of Chapter 6

It was not a dark and stormy night. It was, instead, a pretty decent afternoon in May.

But my MC has just discovered that there has been a whole lot of lying going on, and that things she thought were dead sure certain were, in fact, a tissue of lies told to her by people she trusted.

Not all of the people she trusted. But certainly some of the ones she’s been holding close.

She’s about to go into a dark place in search of the truth… because even the lies conflict with each other.

This is, in fact, a very nice place to leave the book for the weekend. Lotta conflict, and a lot of time to let whatever’s going to happen next (I have no clue; this was not planned) knock around in the back of my head and pick up bits and pieces to keep it interesting.

I know where I’m GOING with this. 

But right at the moment, I have no damn clue where I am.

But here’s the tap-dancing happy bit…

At 10,104 words, even if I run long and need 100,000 words to tell this story, I am officially more than ten percent done with the first draft.


Have a great weekend.

I’ll be back here Monday.

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One response to “OHIO 5: 620 words, the wrap-up of Chapter 5, and the start of Chapter 6”

  1. dragon Avatar

    We need emojis to make short “Yay!” comments with.

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