I start each new novel with a template I built for myself.
It has my type styles (Courier 12, double space, first line indent, and thirty chapters all set up.
My pre-built Chapter 1 (I built it when I bought Scrivener, and it has survived ever since) looks like this.
The little “Something Clever Goes Here” sentence beneath the CHAPTER 1 header never fails to amuse me when I open the new template… but I’m easily amused.
So today, before I started on the words, I transferred my entire line-for-scene outline to the Scrivener document, sentence by sentence, in to the thirty blank chapters.
And discovered that somehow I had managed to write thirty-one Scene Sentences, and all of them were important.
So I added a new Chapter 31.
I’m not sure where the extra chapter came from in the outline, but I’ll figure it out.
Meanwhile, the new blank document started with a word count of 228 — these are mystery words that I can’t find anywhere in the document.
Sooner or later, I’ll run across them and delete them. But for now, I wrote 1466 words (out of my planned 1250), and show 1674 total words in the novel.
I love the scene I got… and with it, I’m off to the races.
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