Oh …. My …. God ….

Today hit me out of the blue. Sheila and I went out, ostensibly for lunch — but it turns out that the community has been plotting. She ended up spiriting me off to a secret location where she’d hidden a box the size of my first apartment. And in the box lay an array of gifts from community members that just stunned me. I’ll be taking pictures and putting together a page showing the gifts, which were, one and all, wonderful. And Sheila took pictures of me opening them, which are guaranteed to be gruesome because I am one of those people who takes terrible pictures, but which I’ll post when she sends me copies.

I’ll be sending out individual thank-yous, but in the meantime, I’d like to give an awed and heart-felt thank-you to all of you who participated in this. It was an amazing and wonderful surprise. I was sitting on the couch fighting back tears. Thank you for caring, for noticing that things have been difficult, and for doing something so wonderful in response.

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7 responses to “Oh …. My …. God ….”

  1. Nicosian Avatar

    Ack! That was the secret project! Wow. I didn’t know!

    Allow me to now belatedly offer a heartfelt thanks for all your efforts here!

  2. Damon M. Lord Avatar

    More than happy to plot on this one. Although you say ‘pay forward’, this was one of our ways of finally paying ‘back’ and say thank you.

  3. Kim L. Cole Avatar

    We were very happy to do it, Holly. After everything you have done for us, it was the least we could do.

  4. Linda Avatar


    It was our pleasure. Thanks, again, for all that you do for us.

  5. David Stone Avatar
    David Stone

    I wish I’d known it was happening – I’m glad it did, though.
    Best wishes and virtual hugs sent your way.


  6. Labloch Avatar

    Ditto on the community secret.

    I’m rooting for both of you wonderful people in these "interesting" times!


  7. Joel Avatar

    I hadn’t been aware of the what the community had been doing, but sending happy dance your way!

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