Of heredity and the curse and blessing of ancestors – 1264 words and 16,765 total

Today was a goooood writing day. This was a solid Monday in which I leapt into my story world, discovered a massive and necessary secret behind my main character’s origins, found my way through a fair amount of backstory while avoiding what would otherwise have been exposition, and came out the other end knowing something about my main character that had been a complete secret to me before this.

She makes more sense to me now.

And today I discovered the Five Worlds. Nothing more on that except that I find them really cool, and they give my MC something she didn’t know she had.

And if I DON’T have jury duty for the rest of the week (which I won’t find out until 5: 30 tonight), I’m in a great place to pick up with the next scene tomorrow morning.

And I’m so looking forward to writing it, so I’m really hoping they don’t need me.

Meanwhile, however, in case this is the last post from me for a while, I’m throwing in a picture of Sheldon, just because I think he’s very handsome, and his personality inspires the that of the cat in the series. A little bit, anyway.

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