It does not do well to get too excited. Honestly. Calm is the best approach to these things.
It is.
I know this.
Unfortunately, I am not by nature a calm person. I am optimistic, exuberant. I spent my childhood with skinned knees and skinned elbows and bruises from climbing onto those risky branches and swinging just a wee bit too far on the grapevines in the woods — I remain the morning person everyone wants to pitch out the window when searching for coffee first thing on Monday.
MIDNIGHT RAIN is a Mainstream Top Pick, Romantic Times, 4.5 Stars. “Fantastic.”
And I tell myself, be calm. Do not get clobbered by excessive expectations. Do not dare to hope too much. EVERY time you have ever dared to hope about a book before, you have gotten pasted. Don’t hope. Be Tao. Breathe.
Yeah. Right.
{{boing, boing, boing}}
(Hoping the road rash from this one, when it comes, doesn’t hurt too badly.)