November 1 Chores Wrapped, HAWKSPAR

Got Chapter 3 of MIDNIGHT RAIN up. (Link on front page of site.) Got reviews linked. Got interview with Zette at VISION linked.

Got monthly homeschool paperwork for county sent off. Paperwork for Clonlara will go out later.

Sent out what I hope will be the final version of the proposal for the next paranormal suspense to Robin.

So I’m finally ready to dig into the stuff I was playing around with Saturday. Have no idea what my subconscious may have come up with for me.

But here’s the gig. The story was to have been 60% Rikner, 40% Penitent. Now it’s going to be 60% Penitent, 40% Rikner.

So … running numbers again … I’ll need 45 scenes for Rik. I’ll need 67 scenes for Penitent, who early on will become Acolyte Hawkspar. I already HAVE 67 scenes for Rik, so I need to delete the 22 least important. Then I have to add twenty two new ones for Penitent.

Then I need to write the new first scene from Penitent’s POV.

And change the old first scene to third person, and cut it in length.


So that’s today’s thing. Think I’ll start with Penitent.

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