Not too impressed with Survey Gizmo

With the success story question below, I was also doing a free test of Survey Gizmo before paying to use it–so that we wouldn’t have the problem we had with vote cheating the next time I needed to ask your input on an upcoming course. (It also does polls, but surveys are a better indicator of how well something works.)

I’ve had 443 starts, and 3 completions. So I’m guessing it doesn’t work too well.

Could you tell me what problems you had with it, what system you’re using, and where it broke? I need to find something that will work, and this was cool because it would go right into my weblog rather than having to be on separate pages. Also, it’s comparatively inexpensive. But if it doesn’t work, it automatically becomes expensive.

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6 responses to “Not too impressed with Survey Gizmo”

  1. Rick Avatar

    Try using as that has been great for us. Nice options for themes and actually fun to use.

  2. LisaM Avatar

    I tested the survey and it seemed to work – I got your thank you page.
    I used Firefox and the OS is Windows XP.

  3. Lissbirds Avatar

    Hmm…it *seemed* to work for me, but that doesn’t mean it really worked. I but the “thank you for submitting” page, so I’m assuming it went through.

    Maybe Susan is right–page hits are counting as a “start.”

    Hope it works out for you!

  4. tkeller Avatar

    I thought I completed it. I filled out the boxes, hit submit, got the thank you afterwards.

    Umm…no idea what’s wrong with it.

  5. Susan Avatar

    Is it counting every page view as a “start”? That could rack up a lot of starts without many responses, if not many people felt like they had anything special enough to report. (Yet! Hoping for a real breakthrough soon…)

  6. Shawn Hansen Avatar

    Hi Holly,

    I didn’t try this, but given you seem to have had problems, I have a recommendation for you: try the WordPress plugin called
    wp-polls. (

    It’s free, and it’s WordPress compatible, and based on my usage, it’s pretty much cheat-free.

    You can choose user and logging options to limit voters and number of votes. (This is done via registration, cookies, IP address, and so forth.)

    Given your site requires logging in to comment, I think it might be a viable option for you.

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