Nineteen Days on the Count-Down Meter

Sixty more pages ahead of me today. My eyeballs feel like ground hamburger. The headache is back. My head hit the pillow last night, the alarm went off what felt like two minutes later, and all I could think was, “That has to be a mistake.”

Today my folks discover that a traitor among them has betrayed them to the cannibals; it all ties in to things that were happening earlier that, with luck, nobody caught on to. Subtle, subtle, this has to be subtle — and I feel like I’ve been going through Hawkspar with a chainsaw, so have I been subtle enough?

I’m liking this section of the book a lot. Even after revisions, I’m still not happy with the first part, though I may be once I get the type-in done. And I’m awfully tired.

But I am hitting with my deadline.

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