New Way to Tame the Beast

This revision continues to be a complete beast. I’m not quite ready to do type-in yet, and when I am ready, there’s going to be a lot to type in.

But this book has been brutal because it had not just wrong scenes in it (those are easy to fix—you throw them out and start over), but right scenes in the wrong places and with the wrong characters.

My previous method of revising wasn’t working, which was causing me much stress and angst. Did some deep breathing to clear my head and calm myself, and came up with a much better way of doing a One-Pass Revision specifically for scrambled books.

Progress is moving along sweetly now, but won’t if I don’t get back to work. ;D

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4 responses to “New Way to Tame the Beast”

  1. Holly Avatar

    I’ll add the additional revision process into Plot Clinic as an upgrade as soon as I get the chance. (Upgrades are free to current owners, so you’ll be covered.)

  2. peaceheather Avatar

    This is me, humbly submitting my request for a description of your revised revision process.

    Heh, “revised revision”. Man, am I clever.

  3. D.RobertPease Avatar

    This is funny. I read the first sentence in my RSS reader, and thought “What about her ‘One-Pass Revision’ process?” Then I clicked for the full, and voila. You are so good, you can answer my question before I even ask.

  4. Keely Avatar

    Hang in there, Holly! No pressure… just millions of people waiting to read the finished product! But as I said, no pressure!!! [grin]

    Love Ya!!!

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