New site:

I’ve put together a site for brainstorming the publishing company. It’s Software problems have stalled me; I’m currently looking for software that has both public and private access and isn’t too convoluted.

This may take a few days to find.

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9 responses to “New site:”

  1. RogueRaven Avatar

    One of the sites offering on-line applications and collaboration is It is set up in competition with google and looks extremely interesting. It might be worth your while looking at.

    On another issue i have worked wit MediaWikki and it might be a part of the answer also.

    If I can be of assistance let me know.

    Edwen Davis

  2. Jass Avatar

    Okay Holly, here’s what I found. phpBB has a new version out 3.0 that allows file attachments so you’d have a way to upload files just make a section for them. It also allows membership levels in the form of “moderators” that have additional privileges. For the calendar thing, I found a phpicalendar that could be added…for free I think that could do the scheduling you are looking for see
    and a sample of the calendar at

    I think that covers everything you mentioned. Let me know if I can help anymore.


  3. Jass Avatar

    Well, I know you’ve set this up at bluehost. I’ll check with my host…they tend to be pretty decent. I’ll let you know what I find.

  4. Holly Avatar

    I’ve tried just about every package offered by bluehost. The ripe melon sound you hear is my head hitting the wall. Don’t get me wrong—everything installs fine. But… sheesh. I remember with some fondness a little community thing we started with years ago that had an event calendar, docs, levels of membership, a simple bulletin board, live chat—it was a bit of an office in a can. Neat. And free at the time. Now getting that kind of functionality is a freakin’ nightmare.

  5. Jass Avatar

    Here’s their forum thingum…

    The Chat I think is Fantastico, which I can’t get to since I’m not a client. But they also have a TikiWiki thing so your support center should be able to help you with that too. Keep us updated. I’d love to know how it’s going.

  6. Jass Avatar

    Holly, the host you picked offers blog/chat/board solutions in their package. You might that out.

  7. BJSteeves Avatar

    Holly, Look at MediaWiki. It’s the same software the Wikipedia is using.

  8. Holly Avatar

    Onemorewordbooks site and links on hold while I see if I can figure out the problem.

  9. Holly Avatar

    I’m having a problem getting the software to accept members. I’m currently doing a wild-eyed search of the Tiki_Wiki site to see if I can figure out how to get the thing to automatically accept everyone who registers.

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